------------------------------------- | Loader 5.2 Apr 20 2021 13:27:55 | ------------------------------------- Scp: TopNic reset off ... done Scp: Enable the logical isolation to SM domain ... done Scp: Init CCN clocking ... done Scp: CoreSight init ... done Scp: Cluster 0 init ... done Scp: Set AP CPU start address 0x80000000 ... done Scp: Init DDR_0 PLL ... done Scp: Init DDR_ACLK ... done Scp: DDR_ARSTn reset OFF ... done Scp: Set TZC DDR_0 to special mode ... done Scp: Perform CCN-PCIe specific configuration ... done Scp: Reset Debug interface ... done Scp: TZC_0 enable Read Write speculative access ... done Scp: TZC_0 close all filters ... done Scp: Ccn NID_4 reset ON ... done Scp: DDR_ARSTn reset ON ... done Scp: Delay 5 msec ... done Scp: Ccn NID_4 reset OFF ... done Scp: Clean Mail Box memory ... done Scp: Disable Debug interface ... done Scp: Disable the logical isolation to SM domain ... done Scp: load BL1 code from SM SPI flash Scp: Set 3bytes flash address mode Scp: Untrusted load BL1 (60 Kbytes) from offset 0x00080000 ... done Scp: CoreSight timer enable ... done Scp: Set Mail Box UNSECURE ... done Scp: Set AP CPU start address 0x00000000 ... done Scp: Run AP CPU Core 0:Cluster 0 ... done Scp: Start service loop NOTICE: Booting Trusted Firmware NOTICE: BL1: v2.4(release): NOTICE: BL1: Built : 08:56:33, Jun 8 2021 NOTICE: BL1: Booting BL2 NOTICE: BL2: v2.4(release): NOTICE: BL2: Built : 08:56:33, Jun 8 2021 NOTICE: BL1: Booting BL31 NOTICE: BL31: v2.4(release): NOTICE: BL31: Built : 08:56:33, Jun 8 2021 UEFI firmware (version 5.2 built at 08:56:17 on Jun 8 2021) [04D [=3h [09D [35m [40m [37m [40mBaikal Electronics v5.2-20210608 Press or to enter setup, to enter shell, to continue... [01;01H [04DConsoles: serial port zio_read error: 5 zio_read error: 5 zio_read error: 5 ZFS: i/o error - all block copies unavailable ZFS: can't read MOS of pool zroot Reading loader env vars from /efi/freebsd/loader.env Setting currdev to disk2p1: FreeBSD/arm64 EFI loader, Revision 1.1 Command line arguments: loader.efi Image base: 0xf9d60000 EFI version: 2.70 EFI Firmware: Baikal Electronics (rev 0.82) Console: comconsole (0) Load Path: \EFI\BOOT\BOOTAA64.EFI Load Device: VenHw(0D51905B-B77E-452A-A2C0-ECA0CC8D514A,0000602C0000000000)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,0D238F19-E5E4-11EB-A906-00E04C360001,0x28,0x82000) BootCurrent: 0003 BootOrder: 0003[*] 0002 0004 0005 0000 0001 0006 0007 BootInfo Path: VenHw(0D51905B-B77E-452A-A2C0-ECA0CC8D514A,0000602C0000000000)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0) Ignoring Boot0003: Only one DP found Trying ESP: VenHw(0D51905B-B77E-452A-A2C0-ECA0CC8D514A,0000602C0000000000)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,0D238F19-E5E4-11EB-A906-00E04C360001,0x28,0x82000) Setting currdev to disk2p1: Trying: VenHw(0D51905B-B77E-452A-A2C0-ECA0CC8D514A,0000602C0000000000)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,0D28E3A7-E5E4-11EB-A906-00E04C360001,0x82800,0x2000000) Setting currdev to disk2p2: Trying: VenHw(0D51905B-B77E-452A-A2C0-ECA0CC8D514A,0000602C0000000000)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(3,GPT,0D2E01B2-E5E4-11EB-A906-00E04C360001,0x2082800,0x19EA1800) Setting currdev to zfs:zroot/ROOT/current: Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf Loading /boot/device.hints Loading /boot/loader.conf LLooaaddiinngg //bboooott//llooaaddeerr..ccoonnff..llooccaall ?cc|| [01;01HH [04DJ- [07;48H [31m [40m``` [31m [40m` [31m [40m [08;48H s` `.....---... [31m [40m....--.``` -/ [31m [40m [09;48H +o .--` [31m [40m/y:` +. [31m [40m [10;48H yo`:. [31m [40m:o `+- [31m [40m [11;48H y/ [31m [40m-/` -o/ [31m [40m [12;48H .- [31m [40m::/sy+:. [31m [40m [13;48H / [31m [40m`-- / [31m [40m [14;48H `: [31m [40m:` [31m [40m [15;48H `: [31m [40m:` [31m [40m [16;48H / [31m [40m/ [31m [40m [17;48H .- [31m [40m-. [31m [40m [18;48H -- [31m [40m-. [31m [40m [19;48H `:` [31m [40m`:` [20;48H .-- `--. [21;48H .---.....----. [37m [40m [7;48H [31m``` [31;1m` [31m [8;48H s` `.....---... [31;1m....--.``` -/ [31m [9;48H +o .--` [31;1m/y:` +. [31m [10;48H yo`:. [31;1m:o `+- [31m [11;48H y/ [31;1m-/` -o/ [31m [12;48H .- [31;1m::/sy+:. [31m [13;48H / [31;1m`-- / [31m [14;48H `: [31;1m:` [31m [15;48H `: [31;1m:` [31m [16;48H / [31;1m/ [31m [17;48H .- [31;1m-. [31m [18;48H -- [31;1m-. [31m [19;48H `:` [31;1m`:` [20;48H [31;1m.-- `--. [21;48H .---.....----. [01;02H ______ ____ _____ _____ [02;02H | ____| | _ \ / ____| __ \ [03;02H | |___ _ __ ___ ___ | |_) | (___ | | | | [04;02H | ___| '__/ _ \/ _ \| _ < \___ \| | | | [05;02H | | | | | __/ __/| |_) |____) | |__| | [06;02H | | | | | | || | | | [07;02H |_| |_| \___|\___||____/|_____/|_____/ [1;2H ______ ____ _____ _____ [2;2H | ____| | _ \ / ____| __ \ [3;2H | |___ _ __ ___ ___ | |_) | (___ | | | | [4;2H | ___| '__/ _ \/ _ \| _ < \___ \| | | | [5;2H | | | | | __/ __/| |_) |____) | |__| | [6;2H | | | | | | || | | | [7;2H |_| |_| \___|\___||____/|_____/|_____/ [09;02H/ [22;02H\ [09;44H\ [22;44H/ [09;03H----------------------------------------- [22;03H----------------------------------------- [10;02H| [41C| [11;02H| [41C| [12;02H| [41C| [13;02H| [41C| [14;02H| [41C| [15;02H| [41C| [16;02H| [41C| [17;02H| [41C| [18;02H| [41C| [19;02H| [41C| [20;02H| [41C| [21;02H| [41C| [09;14HWelcome to FreeBSD [9;2H+ [22;2H+ [9;44H+ [22;44H+ [9;3H----------------------------------------- [22;3H----------------------------------------- [10;2H| [10;44H| [11;2H| [11;44H| [12;2H| [12;44H| [13;2H| [13;44H| [14;2H| [14;44H| [15;2H| [15;44H| [16;2H| [16;44H| [17;2H| [17;44H| [18;2H| [18;44H| [19;2H| [19;44H| [20;2H| [20;44H| [21;2H| [21;44H| [9;14HWelcome to FreeBSD [11;5 [11;05HH11.. [37m [40mmBB [37m [40mmoooott MMuullttii uusseerr [37m [40mm[[EEnntteerr]] [37m [40mm [12;5 [12;05HH22.. BBoooott [37m [40mmSS [37m [40mmiinnggllee uusseerr [13;5 [13;05HH33.. [37m [40mmEEsscc [37m [40mmaappee ttoo llooaaddeerr pprroommpptt [14;5 [14;05HH44.. [37m [40mmRR [37m [40mmeebboooott [15;5 [15;05HH55.. [37m [40mmCC [37m [40mmoonnss:: DDuuaall ((SSeerriiaall pprriimmaarryy)) [16;5 [16;05HH [17;5 [17;05HHOOppttiioonnss:: [18;5 [18;05HH// 66.. [37m [40mmKK [37m [40mmeerrnneell:: ddeeffaauulltt// [32m [40mmkkeerrnneell [37m [40mm ((11 ooff 22)) [19;5 [19;05HH77.. BBoooott [37m [40mmOO [37m [40mmppttiioonnss [20;5 [20;05HH88.. BBoooott [37m [40mmEE [37m [40mmnnvviirroonnmmeennttss [25;0 [25;01HH [23;4 [23;04HHAAuuttoobboooott iinn 11 sseeccoonnddss,, hhiitt [[EEnntteerr]] ttoo bboooott oorr aannyy ootthheerr kkeeyy ttoo ssttoopp [25;0 [25;01HH [23;0 [23;01HH [25;0H [01;01HH [04DJ [07;48H [31m [40m``` [31m [40m` [31m [40m [08;48H s` `.....---... [31m [40m....--.``` -/ [31m [40m [09;48H +o .--` [31m [40m/y:` +. [31m [40m [10;48H yo`:. [31m [40m:o `+- [31m [40m [11;48H y/ [31m [40m-/` -o/ [31m [40m [12;48H .- [31m [40m::/sy+:. [31m [40m [13;48H / [31m [40m`-- / [31m [40m [14;48H `: [31m [40m:` [31m [40m [15;48H `: [31m [40m:` [31m [40m [16;48H / [31m [40m/ [31m [40m [17;48H .- [31m [40m-. [31m [40m [18;48H -- [31m [40m-. [31m [40m [19;48H `:` [31m [40m`:` [20;48H .-- `--. [21;48H .---.....----. [37m [40m [7;48H [31m``` [31;1m` [31m [8;48H s` `.....---... [31;1m....--.``` -/ [31m [9;48H +o .--` [31;1m/y:` +. [31m [10;48H yo`:. [31;1m:o `+- [31m [11;48H y/ [31;1m-/` -o/ [31m [12;48H .- [31;1m::/sy+:. [31m [13;48H / [31;1m`-- / [31m [14;48H `: [31;1m:` [31m [15;48H `: [31;1m:` [31m [16;48H / [31;1m/ [31m [17;48H .- [31;1m-. [31m [18;48H -- [31;1m-. [31m [19;48H `:` [31;1m`:` [20;48H [31;1m.-- `--. [21;48H .---.....----. [01;02H ______ ____ _____ _____ [02;02H | ____| | _ \ / ____| __ \ [03;02H | |___ _ __ ___ ___ | |_) | (___ | | | | [04;02H | ___| '__/ _ \/ _ \| _ < \___ \| | | | [05;02H | | | | | __/ __/| |_) |____) | |__| | [06;02H | | | | | | || | | | [07;02H |_| |_| \___|\___||____/|_____/|_____/ [1;2H ______ ____ _____ _____ [2;2H | ____| | _ \ / ____| __ \ [3;2H | |___ _ __ ___ ___ | |_) | (___ | | | | [4;2H | ___| '__/ _ \/ _ \| _ < \___ \| | | | [5;2H | | | | | __/ __/| |_) |____) | |__| | [6;2H | | | | | | || | | | [7;2H |_| |_| \___|\___||____/|_____/|_____/ [09;02H/ [22;02H\ [09;44H\ [22;44H/ [09;03H----------------------------------------- [22;03H----------------------------------------- [10;02H| [41C| [11;02H| [41C| [12;02H| [41C| [13;02H| [41C| [14;02H| [41C| [15;02H| [41C| [16;02H| [41C| [17;02H| [41C| [18;02H| [41C| [19;02H| [41C| [20;02H| [41C| [21;02H| [41C| [09;14HWelcome to FreeBSD [9;2H+ [22;2H+ [9;44H+ [22;44H+ [9;3H----------------------------------------- [22;3H----------------------------------------- [10;2H| [10;44H| [11;2H| [11;44H| [12;2H| [12;44H| [13;2H| [13;44H| [14;2H| [14;44H| [15;2H| [15;44H| [16;2H| [16;44H| [17;2H| [17;44H| [18;2H| [18;44H| [19;2H| [19;44H| [20;2H| [20;44H| [21;2H| [21;44H| [9;14HWelcome to FreeBSD [11;5 [11;05HH11.. [37m [40mmBB [37m [40mmoooott MMuullttii uusseerr [37m [40mm[[EEnntteerr]] [37m [40mm [12;5 [12;05HH22.. BBoooott [37m [40mmSS [37m [40mmiinnggllee uusseerr [13;5 [13;05HH33.. [37m [40mmEEsscc [37m [40mmaappee ttoo llooaaddeerr pprroommpptt [14;5 [14;05HH44.. [37m [40mmRR [37m [40mmeebboooott [15;5 [15;05HH55.. [37m [40mmCC [37m [40mmoonnss:: DDuuaall ((SSeerriiaall pprriimmaarryy)) [16;5 [16;05HH [17;5 [17;05HHOOppttiioonnss:: [18;5 [18;05HH66.. [37m [40mmKK [37m [40mmeerrnneell:: [34m [40mmkkeerrnneell..nneeww [37m [40mm ((22 ooff 22)) [19;5 [19;05HH77.. BBoooott [37m [40mmOO [37m [40mmppttiioonnss [20;5 [20;05HH88.. BBoooott [37m [40mmEE [37m [40mmnnvviirroonnmmeennttss [25;0 [25;01HHLLooaaddiinngg kkeerrnneell...... //bboooott//kkeerrnneell..nneeww//kkeerrnneell tteexxtt==00xx22aa88 tteexxtt==00xx771199999944 || tteexxtt==00xx11cc99ffddcc || ddaattaa==00xx117788118800 \\ ddaat taa==00xx00++00xx442277000000 || ssyymmss==[[00xx88++00xxffaa333388// ++00xx88++00xx1111ddaa7799// LLooaaddiinngg ccoonnffiigguurreedd mmoodduulleess...... //bboooott//kkeerrnneell..nneeww//zzffss..kkoo tteexxtt==00xxee33aa9988 // tteexxtt==00xx223344ffaa88 || ddaattaa==00xx2277441100++00xx1155aa776600 // ssyymmss==[[0 0xx88++00xx3311ccee00-- ++00xx88++00xx22bbffaabb]] //bboooott//eennttrrooppyy -- ssiizzee==00xx11000000 //bboooott//kkeerrnneell..nneeww//ccrryyppttooddeevv..kkoo tteexxtt==00xx222299dd tteexxtt==00xx2299ff00 ddaattaa==00xx770088++00xx3300 ssyymmss==[[00xx88+ +00xxffff00++00xx88++00xxbbff44]] //eettcc//hhoossttiidd ssiizzee==00xx2255 UUssiinngg DDTTBB pprroovviiddeedd bbyy EEFFII aatt 00xxffffffeeff000000.. EEFFII ffrraammeebbuuffffeerr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn:: aaddddrr,, ssiizzee 00xxffaadd99cc000000,, 00xx77ee99000000 ddiimmeennssiioonnss 11992200 xx 11008800 ssttrriiddee 11992200 mmaasskkss 00xx0000ffff00000000,, 00xx00000000ffff0000,, 00xx000000000000ffff,, 00xxffff000000000000 ---<>--- GDB: debug ports: uart GDB: current port: uart KDB: debugger backends: ddb gdb KDB: current backend: ddb Copyright (c) 1992-2021 The FreeBSD Project. Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation. FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE #0 stable/13-n246607-057275e4be56-dirty: Mon Aug 30 16:48:19 MSK 2021 root@honeycomb.local:/usr/crochet/work/obj/usr/crochet/src-stable-13.0/arm64.aarch64/sys/BAIKAL arm64 FreeBSD clang version 11.0.1 (git@github.com:llvm/llvm-project.git llvmorg-11.0.1-0-g43ff75f2c3fe) WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance. VT(efifb): resolution 1920x1080 real memory = 8318550016 (7933 MB) avail memory = 8072167424 (7698 MB) Starting CPU 1 (1) Starting psci_cpu_on(1, f1e008c8, 1) Starting CPU 2 (100) Starting psci_cpu_on(100, f1e008c8, 2) Starting CPU 3 (101) Starting psci_cpu_on(101, f1e008c8, 3) Starting CPU 4 (200) Starting psci_cpu_on(200, f1e008c8, 4) Starting CPU 5 (201) Starting psci_cpu_on(201, f1e008c8, 5) Starting CPU 6 (300) Starting psci_cpu_on(300, f1e008c8, 6) Starting CPU 7 (301) Starting psci_cpu_on(301, f1e008c8, 7) FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 8 CPUs random: unblocking device. random: entropy device external interface MAP 81000000 mode 2 pages 192 MAP fe510000 mode 2 pages 128 MAP fe590000 mode 2 pages 80 MAP fe5e0000 mode 2 pages 80 MAP fe640000 mode 2 pages 64 MAP fe700000 mode 2 pages 80 MAP fe750000 mode 2 pages 80 MAP fe7f0000 mode 2 pages 160 MAP fe890000 mode 2 pages 80 MAP ff1f0000 mode 2 pages 144 MAP ff290000 mode 2 pages 288 kbd0 at kbdmux0 ofwbus0: clk_fixed0: on ofwbus0 clk_fixed1: on ofwbus0 ofw_clkbus0: on ofwbus0 clk_fixed2: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed3: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed4: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed5: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed6: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed7: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed8: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed9: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed10: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed11: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed12: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed13: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed14: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed15: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed16: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed17: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed18: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed19: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed20: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed21: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed22: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed22: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed22: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed22 attach returned 6 clk_fixed22: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed23: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 simplebus0: on ofwbus0 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 psci0: on ofwbus0 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 dwgpiobus0: mem 0x20200000-0x2020ffff irq 27 on simplebus0 gic0: mem 0x2d000000-0x2d00ffff,0x2d100000-0x2d2fffff irq 64 on simplebus0 its0: mem 0x2d020000-0x2d03ffff on gic0 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 generic_timer0: irq 0,1,2,3 on ofwbus0 Timecounter "ARM MPCore Timecounter" frequency 50000000 Hz quality 1000 Event timer "ARM MPCore Eventtimer" frequency 50000000 Hz quality 1000 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 be_pvt0: mem 0x28200000-0x2820ffff irq 22 on simplebus0 be_pvt1: mem 0xc200000-0xc20ffff irq 23 on simplebus0 be_pvt2: mem 0xa200000-0xa20ffff irq 24 on simplebus0 be_pvt3: mem 0x26200000-0x2620ffff irq 25 on simplebus0 be_pvt4: mem 0x2a060000-0x2a06ffff irq 26 on simplebus0 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Malformed 'clock-output-names' property clk_fixed24: Cannot parse clock name. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 clk_fixed24: on ofw_clkbus0 clk_fixed24: Cannot FDT parameters. device_attach: clk_fixed24 attach returned 6 cpulist0: on ofwbus0 cpu0: on cpulist0 cpu1: on cpulist0 cpu2: on cpulist0 cpu3: on cpulist0 cpu4: on cpulist0 cpu5: on cpulist0 cpu6: on cpulist0 cpu7: on cpulist0 pcib0: mem 0x2200000-0x2200fff,0x40100000-0x401fffff irq 16,17 on simplebus0 pci0: on pcib0 pcib1: at device 0.0 on pci0 pci1: on pcib1 nvme0: mem 0x40100000-0x40103fff at device 0.0 on pci1 pcib2: mem 0x2220000-0x2220fff,0x60000000-0x600fffff irq 20,21 on simplebus0 pci2: on pcib2 pcib3: at device 0.0 on pci2 pci3: on pcib3 gpio0: irq 104 on dwgpiobus0 port 0 gpiobus0: on gpio0 gpioc0: on gpio0 0: mem 0x20230000-0x2023ffff irq 33 on simplebus0 uart0: console (-1,n,8,1) uart1: <16550 or compatible> mem 0x20240000-0x2024ffff irq 34 on simplebus0 be_dwc30: on simplebus0 xhci0: mem 0x2c400000-0x2c4fffff irq 114,115,116 on be_dwc30 xhci0: 64 bytes context size, 32-bit DMA usbus0: trying to attach usbus0 on xhci0 be_dwc31: on simplebus0 xhci1: mem 0x2c500000-0x2c5fffff irq 117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125 on be_dwc31 xhci1: 64 bytes context size, 32-bit DMA usbus1: trying to attach usbus1 on xhci1 ahci0: mem 0x2c600000-0x2c60ffff irq 53 on simplebus0 ahci0: AHCI v1.30 with 1 6Gbps ports, Port Multiplier supported with FBS ahcich0: at channel 0 on ahci0 ahci1: mem 0x2c610000-0x2c61ffff irq 54 on simplebus0 ahci1: AHCI v1.30 with 1 6Gbps ports, Port Multiplier supported with FBS ahcich1: at channel 0 on ahci1 dwc0: mem 0x30240000-0x3024ffff irq 65 on simplebus0 miibus0: on dwc0 mcphy0: mcphy_probe called mcphy0: OUI 0x00e04c, model 0x0011, rev. 5 rgephy0: PHY 0 on miibus0 rgephy0: none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-master, 1000baseT-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX-master, auto rgephy1: PHY 3 on miibus0 rgephy1: none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-master, 1000baseT-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX-master, auto dwc0: Ethernet address: 62:73:64:58:76:80 dwc1: mem 0x30250000-0x3025ffff irq 66 on simplebus0 miibus1: on dwc1 rgephy2: PHY 0 on miibus1 rgephy2: none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-master, 1000baseT-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX-master, auto rgephy3: PHY 3 on miibus1 rgephy3: none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-master, 1000baseT-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX-master, auto dwc1: Ethernet address: 62:73:64:b7:c6:43 armv8crypto0: CPU lacks AES instructions Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec ZFS filesystem version: 5 ZFS storage pool version: features support (5000) usbus0: 5.0Gbps Super Speed USB v3.0 usbus1: 5.0Gbps Super Speed USB v3.0 ugen1.1: at usbus1 uhub0 on usbus1 uhub0: on usbus1 ugen0.1: at usbus0 uhub1 on usbus0 uhub1: on usbus0 CPU 0: ARM Cortex-A57 r1p3 affinity: 0 0 Cache Type = <64 byte D-cacheline,64 byte I-cacheline,PIPT ICache,64 byte ERG,64 byte CWG> Instruction Set Attributes 0 = Instruction Set Attributes 1 = <> Processor Features 0 = Processor Features 1 = <> Trying to mount root from zfs:zroot/ROOT/current []... Memory Model Features 0 = Memory Model Features 1 = <8bit VMID> Memory Model Features 2 = <32bit CCIDX,48bit VA> Debug Features 0 = <2 CTX BKPTs,4 Watchpoints,6 Breakpoints,PMUv3,Debugv8> Debug Features 1 = <> Auxiliary Features 0 = <> Auxiliary Features 1 = <> Root mount waiting for: usbus0 usbus1 CAM CPU 1: ARM Cortex-A57 r1p3 affinity: 0 1 CPU 2: ARM Cortex-A57 r1p3 affinity: 1 0 CPU 3: ARM Cortex-A57 r1p3 affinity: 1 1 CPU 4: ARM Cortex-A57 r1p3 affinity: 2 0 CPU 5: ARM Cortex-A57 r1p3 affinity: 2 1 CPU 6: ARM Cortex-A57 r1p3 affinity: 3 0 CPU 7: ARM Cortex-A57 r1p3 affinity: 3 1 Release APs...APs not started panic: data abort with spinlock held cpuid = 0 time = 3 KDB: stack backtrace: db_trace_self() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x30 pc = 0xffff0000006a7a6c lr = 0xffff000000105d60 sp = 0xffff0000403c2160 fp = 0xffff0000403c2360 db_trace_self_wrapper() at vpanic+0x184 pc = 0xffff000000105d60 lr = 0xffff0000003da5e4 sp = 0xffff0000403c2370 fp = 0xffff0000403c23d0 vpanic() at panic+0x44 pc = 0xffff0000003da5e4 lr = 0xffff0000003da39c sp = 0xffff0000403c23e0 fp = 0xffff0000403c2490 panic() at data_abort+0x254 pc = 0xffff0000003da39c lr = 0xffff0000006ca954 sp = 0xffff0000403c24a0 fp = 0xffff0000403c2510 data_abort() at handle_el1h_sync+0x74 pc = 0xffff0000006ca954 lr = 0xffff0000006aa074 sp = 0xffff0000403c2520 fp = 0xffff0000403c2670 handle_el1h_sync() at sched_switch+0x40c pc = 0xffff0000006aa074 lr = 0xffff00000040904c sp = 0xffff0000403c2680 fp = 0xffff0000403c2790 sched_switch() at mi_switch+0x174 pc = 0xffff00000040904c lr = 0xffff0000003e6fe4 sp = 0xffff0000403c27a0 fp = 0xffff0000403c27f0 mi_switch() at sched_bind+0xd0 pc = 0xffff0000003e6fe4 lr = 0xffff00000040b6dc sp = 0xffff0000403c2800 fp = 0xffff0000403c2820 sched_bind() at taskqgroup_binder+0x7c pc = 0xffff00000040b6dc lr = 0xffff000000423848 sp = 0xffff0000403c2830 fp = 0xffff0000403c2860 taskqgroup_binder() at gtaskqueue_run_locked+0x178 pc = 0xffff000000423848 lr = 0xffff0000004240e0 sp = 0xffff0000403c2870 fp = 0xffff0000403c28d0 gtaskqueue_run_locked() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0x9c pc = 0xffff0000004240e0 lr = 0xffff000000423e08 sp = 0xffff0000403c28e0 fp = 0xffff0000403c2920 gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at fork_exit+0x74 pc = 0xffff000000423e08 lr = 0xffff0000003940f4 sp = 0xffff0000403c2930 fp = 0xffff0000403c2950 fork_exit() at fork_trampoline+0x10 pc = 0xffff0000003940f4 lr = 0xffff0000006c98c0 sp = 0xffff0000403c2960 fp = 0x0000000000000000 KDB: enter: panic [ thread pid 0 tid 100022 ] Stopped at kdb_enter+0x44: undefined f901011f db> db>